/*the bell script 我的生活 我的故事 说给你听: July 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

听了 <<无量易经>> 之 感言

我们平时看的,听的,感觉的,触摸的。。。是否有真正的用心去体会? 知道了,瞭解了,是否又用心的去实行? 把握当下吗?当失去时,还值得去回顾吗? 回顾是自然的,让我们从过去中学习,学着像小时候跌倒了就勇敢的爬起来。不管是甜的,酸的,辣的,苦的,让我们能有一个属于自己的回忆。宇宙无涯, 天大地大。我们人生数短,一眨眼已时光飞逝。错过了一次,或许它正告诉你,那是不适合你的,也不属于你的。它只不过是个过客。往事回顾,只不过过眼云烟,是一个点缀品,在白纸上,绘了一点颜色。 汝那一笔色彩,擦亮了一点火花。点缀了生命中那一圈圈的涟漪。。。回响。。。于此同时,当上天给于我们新的机会,新的开始,我们又该如何去面对呢?回头望一望,嗯。。。整顿心情,让我们抬起脚,大步的,自信的,向前方迈步。那就是把握当下,去追寻自己的梦想,去掌握自己的幸福。错过了,就别再懊恼。甩开扰人的悲伤与过去的痛苦。静静的,聆听,恰是新生命的歌唱,新芽的崛起。你看到了吗?灰暗的世界里,渐渐的发放了缤纷的色彩。一点一滴,慢慢的,细腻的,正描绘着你人生中新的一业。一笔一划,象征着希望。如是一位画家,展开了一张扉白的画纸,手里执着画笔,一笔一笔的填上色彩。当彩画不如理想时,就试着用较深的颜料,把较浅色的都盖过去了,彩绘出新的艺术作品。再不然,就顺手撕了这一张,再为新的一张画纸,艳染了新的彩绘。 道理很简单。我们生活里不如意时,就尝试用尽各种方法去补救,为求一切如愿。失败了,颓废过了,振作起来,再往前冲,为了找到一个属于自己的新天地,一切皆归我所有,能让我安息的温暖窝。那里有阳光普照,温暖心扉。微风习习, 我敞开心扉。深深的,我吸一口气。。。那是初生婴儿划破妈妈子宫吸允的第一口气。香甜的,一切都将是美好的。好好握住你的人生。抓着那你还没体会的幸福,别让它失去。。。机会偶然,我们不会永远都遇见。抓住了,要记得告诉我,你幸福吗? 。。。

Thursday, July 30, 2009

摘自 王思熙 -- 无量易经 - {序曲}

宇宙无涯 生死刹那 新新生灭 无需惊讶
万古长空 是真是假 蜗角虚名 人生何价
仔细观想 静心思量 漂泊的生命 幻无常
今日的海角 明日天涯

不论天上天下 不管心辰微沙
不论寒冬炎夏 不管绿叶红花
不论昔日东升 不管落日晚霞
不论潮汐涨落 不管万物变化
仔细观想 静心思量 漂泊的生命 幻无常
今日海角 明日天涯 宇宙无涯 生死刹那
新新生灭 无需惊讶

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boring ...

Quarter end has finshed.. whether or not the SA goal is meet or not meet, it is beyond my control. and the management has done their best. My sales team has goen for their team building. Therefore, I am quite free after lunch time.
Trying to find someone to chit chat. There's always one who is very unlucky. and he is Tham chiak. Tham chiak has been disturbed by me again and again. hahahha.. we are so call SUN family. hahha have common names. Talking about common name, My ex-admirer or so call 我的追求者, his name was also ended with SAN. and he has this common birth month with this Tham Chiak - LEO. but their height is totally different. One is very tall, and one is... ;P birth date is also about one week difference only. both of them are very 有缘。
Well, really got nothing to do now.. feeling of laziness in my body. Start writing nonsence in my very own diary blog. A very secretive, whereby i did not even share it to anyone. For those who have accidentally found this blog, you are welcome to leave your comments to me in my daily nonsence story or grumbles. But i wonder will there be anyone who will find my blog? Pls. don't sabotage me. i hate people sabotage my blog or account. GrrRGrrr.... The rest are welcome. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 30, August 8 ...

These are dates.. Special memorable dates. and they are in the month of LEO, though one is in July and one is in August. But they are also a past tense for me. 2 different LEOs. No more special celebrations. No more meaningful in the future. Still, i remembered, and I will remember them till the rest of my life. How are you? May you be blessed in every kind. Keep In Touch and Be Friends forever. Like you have always telling me, "Take Care ! ". Like i always says to you: "Keep In Touch".


很多时候,我都不明白,为什么已经名草有主的待我都特别的照顾,像对小妹妹似的,爱护有加。那真是令人难受啊。喜欢你又不是,保持距离你又自己攀过来。。。 真是令人费解。唉,谁叫我生得这一种命呢? 算了吧。别想了。

Thursday, July 23, 2009

最近还好吗 - S.H.E

挑一张耶诞卡写上满满祝福的话 地址写的是心底你能不能收到它
天有点冷风有点大城市宁静而喧哗 这一个冬天我得一个人走回家
问自己习惯了吗 没有你每到夜里回声变得好大
有没有什么好方法 让寂寞更听话 你最近还好吗是不是也在思念里挣扎
你说会记得我还记得吗 你最近还好吗忙碌吗 累吗 心还会痛吗
比陌生人还尴尬昨天远了明天还长 回忆模糊

Tuesday, July 21, 2009







D E L E T E ...

很想快一些将不应属于自己的东西与记忆, 痛痛快快的删除。 七月二十二日,上午。。。距离自己删除的期限大约还有一个月。而蛹变的过程也只剩大约两个月就将宣告结束。期待着新的开始,心灵能被安抚吗?

Monday, July 20, 2009


不知道怎么的。。。 总是觉得一切感情都很灰暗, 一切总是没有色彩。黯然。空寂。无止境的等待。累了,想放弃。腾在半空中的手,累了,疲乏不堪。只想躺下,瞭望天空,蓝色白云,化幻成千万个图案,任你去追寻, 追寻那像是抓不到的梦。。。

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Water = H2O

Drinking water.. helps maintain your beauty. I previously only drink about 0.5 litre of plain water per day.. And if my mom is cooking any soup, then the most i would drink will be 1 litre of water per day.
Based on the calculation using body weight and some kind of formula, I need to drink approximately 2.2 to 2.3 litre of water per day.. That is killing me.. And to slim down and detoxify your body, I have to practise drinking more and more water each day. OMG.
So.. now i try to boil some chinese herb soup without putting any meat, but the ingredients used provide some natural sweetness that helps boost up my "appettite" to feed in more water per day. I wonder whether there will be any improvements on my skin and body weight??
Well, we shall see later whether it brings any results or not. :D

When you met a Japanese guy...

What A failure I am... Learning Japanese but when i met a Japanese and he was talking to me.. I stunt.. Mind is all blank and just know to keep nodding my head, bowing and smile. Hmm.. That Japanese is quite man... The style that i like.. hahhahaha.. ;P..

Friday, July 10, 2009

稻香。。。詞:週傑倫 曲:週傑倫

我总是最爱听周杰伦的稻香。轻快愉悦的旋律,听着听着,就像随着音符旋转跳跃美丽的原野中。那份洋溢着幸福的感觉,充满着满满的爱。鸟儿嘹亮的歌鸣,蟋蟀吱吱的歌唱,像是在迎接着美好的晨曦。缤纷灿烂的阳光,正照耀着旷大的田园,我伫立在原野上,静静的,慢慢的,深深的,呼吸着充满稻香的气息。。。幻想着充满希望的 - 未来 。。。让我们一起聆听 - 稻香


對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落請你打開電視看看多少人為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭 讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了為自己的人生鮮豔上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的讓自己快樂快樂 這才叫做意義童年的紙飛機 現在終于飛回我手裡所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了 偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢 我靠著稻草人吹著風唱著歌睡著了哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Feel Sick, and is sick..
Early symptoms of heavy flu coming... A bit fever on and off, a bit nose block, + new pillow that is making me backache and neckache. What a week will be..
Tnight still need to go for team dinner at Indian Food restaurant.. OMG.
Gotta drink more herbal tea and take more panadols...

Monday, July 6, 2009

SLEEPY... ZZzzzZzzzZzzzZZZzzz...

Can't figure out why i feel so sleepy today.. need to be self discipline... Must not drink coffee......
Trying to look for anyone who can chat online...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Silence...and The Broken Sound

The emptiness in the heart... The unforeseen future and result. What will be the outcome. What is the faith I will be holding. These have brought endless pain in the bottom of my heart...

Changes is the only thing i can do for myself. Various of changes. Some are easy, but some are difficult.. The only thing i have started is to change my appearance.. hahaha.. not doing any cosmetic surgery.. but no longer eating up too much while stress. hhaha..

Mind is wondering.. falling into the world of fantasy... Trying to figure out what I have been doing lately but they are all emptied minded. I am stucked in the restless world. Who can help me..

Just imagine, I am laying on the comfortable lush of green green grass, and surrounded by bushes of beautiful & unknown colorful flowers. My mind is peaceful. With the fragrance around me. Happily cheerish me...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I Have been hurt a thousand times by those who borned in the month of LEO. Having love affair with long distance Mr LEO has strike me with thousand arrows and holes in my heart. The 2nd one makes me want to run away with it as far as possible. They were making me more depressed with its long distance, and when getting close together is somehow like faith where all relationships will not get successful. I have tried the best efforts i have to make it understand my support, but seems like love is not by trying hard but is to feel it in a natural way by both parties. May be I really need to release myself from this suffer. I shall wait for a little while before i thoroughly delete all the LEO in my memory and hard disk.

The more you are trying to get it the more you will get disappointed. It could be my past life that i have all those complicated crush into those MR LEO. Not that i purposely choose them, but all that I have met and fights around I soon discovered that they are all from the month of LEO.

Why.. Why it has to be LEO? Did I owe all of them some passion? I really hate them but I also loved them so much. Why......

PS: Well, I have decided to delete all of them in August. One more month to keep the memory...