/*the bell script 我的生活 我的故事 说给你听: 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

吵 。陌生。

Monday, December 21, 2009


我 或许不是你期待着的那一杯茶 可是
我相信 在茫茫人海中 人来人往 一定有一个人会停留下来
品尝我 这一杯茶
为我留下了 一封情书
我们 或许 早已认识 或许未曾相识
却在那一刹那 惺惺相惜 为对方付出与扶持
这就是幸福的 爱


或许我该站在你的角度想一想 ...

或许我该站在你的角度想一想 为什么你会对我越来越冷漠
或许跟她有关 你很烦 你累了 你无助 你不知如何是好 你放弃了
无言 一切天注定
同时也在于她根本不想接受 因她已熟悉之前她跟他的温馨感觉 她不想要一个新的开始 新的习惯!
无论你如何切入 她的心情 她的思绪 就只装满了他的影子。
再见亦是朋友 何不释放她 让她喘息 呼吸着谨有的氧气
成为她的知己 在她需要时还有机会陪伴着她
直到你的下一位真命天女的出现 又或许 到时她回过头来 选的是你?
放开她 放开自己 给大家一个空间


Saturday, December 19, 2009



想象着我一个人深处在孤寂的黑暗时空里 突然发现的那一道光彩。
哈哈 我像是抓到宝似的!
是你那阳光般的笑容 皎洁亮丽的白齿。
还有那明亮闪烁的大眼 就像挂在星空中的那一颗星星。
刹那 我只知道凝视着你。
身旁的一切 已不重要 没什么更耀眼了。

星星不时地在空中跳跃起舞 划过那寂静黑暗无边的夜空。
我的目光眨着眨着 也随着舞曲奔放。。。追逐优雅的你。
是你的那一股追逐时尚又沉稳保守 对事情与爱情专一的傻劲深深的吸引了我

是的 就像吸盘般深深地吸引了我 我已不懂得如何放开

活蹦跳跃的你 背后却背着隐形的爱情麻布袋
麻布袋使你越来越沉重 只因你爱上了一个不爱你的天使
那个她 纯白朴素 雪亮的天使
在你心中谱着一圈圈轻盈的涟漪 美妙极了
动人的音符 牵引着你的心 随之而去

雪般冰冷的天使 迷恋的 是天堂的使者 一个与她同处天堂的使者!

我感受到你心底发出的啼嚎 撕裂着。
那痛楚 深深的烙印在我心底处
那曾经闪耀光芒的 星星 不再发光
你丝毫不气馁的 追随雪天使的那幽怜的影子

天 下雪了
冰冷 迷雾 覆盖了星星的光芒 覆盖了夜空

嚎哭 迷茫 星星失去了方向
不再高挂北方 只有躲藏
不断地等待 盼望着天使的出现 给他一个拥抱
哪怕是回眸的眼神 也足以让他恢复光芒

地下的我 是多么的迷恋着夜空的星星
一闪一闪的 高挂上空
我不自量力的 不断跃起
尝试抓住 那一颗星星
好想对星星说 你是多么耀眼迷人 你是最棒的!
就算你不说 我都会默默的支持着你
我会幻化成隐形的精灵 在黑暗中守护着你 这一颗星星
是的 你是我期盼的星星
或许你不知道 你的一切 我在乎极了
你的快乐悲伤 都成为我的一部分
你的悲伤 使我流泪
你的不理不睬 使我悲恸
无论如何 我都会为你祈祷 祈祷天神为你撒上幸福
即使无回报 都为你祈祷 把最好的许愿给你

我爱你 你爱她 她爱他
这 就是爱情的 黑色幽默
根本就不好笑 根本就不好玩!

一切的远去 我只有把爱藏在心深处
永远 永远
让它成为甜美的回忆 忆起你灿烂可爱的笑容
永远 永远

Monday, December 14, 2009








Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Wish...

...I Wish that you like me too...I Wish that you miss me too...I Do Wish that we will soon meet and be together...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thank God...

Thank God, He found a job!
Thanks for listening to my prayers

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


。。。。。。。。。。。。。 无言。 。。。 。。。。。。。。。

我不知该继续支持你还是该选择忘了你 。。。


你会不会回头来望一望我 开始回顾以往我对你的一切?
或许 。。。 你根本不会。
或许你只有一直的逃避我 因为你根本从没想过, 也从不愿与我有更进一步的发展。
你只觉得厌烦。 只觉得我根本不是你想要的那一类型
结果我们都将失去原本最单纯的友谊 。因为你一直的逃避

我对你来说是一面镜子 我做什么 说了什么 就算是病了
你宁可慰问网络里认识的网友, 也对我不闻不问!
我内心流泪,只好对自己说 什么都是自己自找麻烦 明知道结果 还要把头撞在墙上
这就叫自作多情。其实我的脸皮还算蛮厚的!这么羞了 还真丢脸!


不过,无论如何,我还是希望你早日找到一份安稳的工作, 希望你幸福,希望你快乐
愿一切美好的 都属于你。那是我每天祷告时都帮你祈求的。只因为我喜欢你。




Saturday, November 7, 2009



我终于鼓起勇气相约了几十年的好友 - 妮大姐来帮我挖心掏肺。我是一个从不在朋友面前坦言真相,诉苦,谈自己的故事的人。因为我都不相信今天的朋友会是一辈子的朋友。今天的朋友可能在明天就会瞬间变成你的敌人!就算我告诉你我的一些心情故事,也只不过是虚幻难以捉摸的,有时甚至是轻描淡写的带过。例如在我的面子书。你或许知道我心情不好,可你并不会知道是为了什么。。。而且面子书里的朋友能归类得太多,陌生的,存好奇心的,不怀好意的,深交的,太多太多了。。。而经过一番的绞胃折磨,我终于把我不能说的秘密倾翻倒胃的呕了一大堆在妮大姐的身上!当然,对某些事或在某些时候,我确实与我想倚靠的人不经意的,甚至是直截了当,毫不隐瞒的,在网上写下了我心灵深处最真的我的写实。而那个人是唯一的,甚至是认识了我几十年的老友我都不会对他们说任何关于我的家事,感情故事。我也不会去管你到底喜不喜欢听和看,我也不愿意想会不会或期望得到安慰,也不去想你对我归类成哪一种朋友,我只是想要有一个人静静地听。当然,能被安慰是最欣慰的。最起码,我不能说的,或不愿分享他人的,可以写下来。我,只不过想要有一个心灵的依靠,一个避风港。一个了解我的人!而我也了解,其实我的故事,又有谁会有兴趣去听呢?。。。它们都是一些琐碎,不关他人痛痒的事。由谁会喜欢去听他人那无聊枯燥乏味的牢骚呢?在网上敢写,也因为没人真正认识你,所以放胆去做。


烦恼,很多时候都是自找的。因为我们看不开。我不是圣人。有些时候,就是跟着感觉走。明知道不可能的事情,却像着了魔,傻到做了一大堆的事情,傻到忘了自己,只想让我心目中的他过得好一些,过得快乐,过得幸福。而自己的心情也跟着他阴晴不变。他需要什么,想要什么,在忙也好,在生病也好,在什么时候都好,我都会把他放在心目中的第一位。纵使我知道他心目中只有另一个她,根本看不到我,更不用说容得下我。一路以来,我总是单方面的偷偷的,默默的付出。因为我知道幸福不会在我生活里出现。我的世界是黑暗的,没有色彩。不知有多少个相命家说我是不会找到一个属于你的避风港的人。无论我有多努力,我生命中不会有一个他来伴着你。我相信相命家所说,是因为我爱着的永远都不会爱我。是我选择错了。爱上一个不该爱的人。可是却身不由己总是感觉与他是那么的熟悉,那么的亲切!伤心时,很想向他倾诉。快乐时,很想与他分享。有好的东西时,很想告诉他,不如咱们一起去尝试。让大家一起融入双方的生活。好想听他诉说今天过得怎麽样,工作还好吗,就算是一些琐碎的事情,辟如说午餐跟同事去那里吃呀,晚餐妈妈下厨了吗还是外出打包。当妈妈煮了好吃的事物,很想也拿一份给你尝一尝等等。。。太多的事想要与你一起共度过。可惜,我是明白与知道。我,没有那个机会。因为你不属于我。永远都将会是我单方面的多情。就像人家说:喜欢 expresso 的人又怎么会对美式咖啡感到有兴趣?如果最美好的早已留在心中,那再多的选择也只会视而不见。每一次只不过是我单方面的遐想。我说我很会做白日梦。不断的祷告,只希望难过与害怕时有一个可以依靠的避风港。我告诉妮大姐说,我是不是很傻,年纪也不小了,竟然开始思春呢!哈哈。。一天没有你的讯息,日子变得乏味起来。我们的偶然相遇,使你突然闯进了我的生活。你的逃避,我们不再像往常一样无所不谈,嬉哈打闹。我万万也想不到原来我的地位是那么的低。我比较了你周遭朋友的对谈,是你对我的偏见还是要求太高了吗?同样的对白,你可以很大方的接受。可是由我口中说的,你会毫不留情的删掉。只因为他们是你多年的朋友,而我在你心目中是网络里的普通朋友。唯有我因为不知不觉的掉入了人生自设的陷阱,一霜情愿的认为我们已是无说不谈的朋友。你的逃避与隔膜,使我生活好像少了什么。那一段日子我是伤到心深处。看到你悲哀难过,你的真诚,心里感动极了,替你不值。那个她真的不懂得珍惜。人生就是那样。兜兜转转,到后来或许你选的将会是你出乎意料之外的。有什么事情是不可能的呢?人生没有到终点,你是不知道也不能预测事情的结果。不过,对我来说,我始终不认为我会有快乐的园地,属于我的彩虹。你可以说我很悲观,不过我更了解明白自己。我看不到自己的价值在哪里。从内到外,我并不耀眼。我不是一颗闪耀的星星,我失去了我的光芒,找不到它在哪里。我只有傻劲,只会一股劲的付出,明知得不到回报。这就是爱冲昏了头脑吧!

妮大姐说凡是不要想太多,让自己活得更有价值。有自信的女人永远是一颗耀眼的星星,不论她去到哪里,总会光芒环绕。我还是看不到我的价值。你能告诉我吗?我看到的是我是一棵小野草。我并没有丰厚的身家,也不是什么千金小姐,也不是什么可爱娇小楚楚可怜的小女人,也不是俏丽型的。我只不过是一个在地球上普通不过的人类。平凡得很。她说她很相信:You Do The Best, The GOD will do the rest! 会吗?我已做到最好了,上天会眷顾我吗?



Tuesday, October 27, 2009



我终于成功了一半!我在三个月内成功的减去十二公斤,还要减去八公斤的肥油才算到目标。 哈哈。我的毅力可是很坚强的哦。。。别小看我。只要我设定目标,我一定能!我可是一棵小野草,小野蛮蜗牛.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


但每次它只留下惊鸿一瞥的感慨 yo
但每次它只留下惊鸿一瞥的感慨 oh...
但每次它只留下惊鸿一瞥的感慨 oh..
但每次它只留下惊鸿一瞥的感慨 oh...

实在太深奥了。。。虽然我并不认为这首歌曲好听,但它的歌词别具意义。简白却真实。尤其我最喜欢这段歌词 --- “得不到的就更加爱,太容易来的就不理睬,其实谁不想遇见真爱,爱得绝对爱得坦白。。。”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The SADdest Face -- My very own masterpiece

The SADdest Face.... My very own masterpiece...




Saturday, September 5, 2009


I want something new, something exciting, something tremendous, something enlightening, something revitalizing, something positive, something cherishing, something fabulous, something good, some nice pushing, some nice advices, some nice supports, some nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice things !

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DEADly SICK DAYS ...Dead fish

It started on last Saturday (Aug 29) After I caught myself in a rainy morning.... Well, It was just a normal rainny day, as usual.. Just went to buy breakfast for the family members without an Umbrella.. Hhahah.. Can't figure out how WEAK I AM...

This was the 1st morning where my nephew stayed at my house, after a long tiring rush on Friday. Well, I Skipped my Pre-Saturday tight schedule in this part. After a light breakfast and rushing here and there doing things, helping at home... LUNCH time again... Helping to buy LUCH packs home.. Again, light rainy drops on my head... Phew... NO Problem, Keep going.. Then my niece was so sick till we need to take her to the hospital to see her paediatric doctor at Lam Wah Ee hospital. Waiting and without eating any lunch yet. Sister have to stay at home and take care of BB. I had to go with my briother in law. Waiting and waiting, Till 3:00pm + then only we get to see the doctor. Even the doctor nurse assistance also caught herself in FLU!

Then, You still got a lot of things to do today on Saturday...Yeah.. Your Fun Team Committee Work. Charity Month in October! Your task is to visit and interview an orphanage home and get as many details so that the Fun Team committees can decide on the next week whether to proceed with the plan or not. It was supposed to be a nicely short trip. But what happen was the car air-con fan spoilt. Have to change it.. Well, I had no time to wait for my dad to change it. It needs about 1 hour to fix it, including test drive. So, i say, let me drove there without air-con. If without rain, the air is still fine, but as soon as i drove near the town area, it started to rain and traffic jam.. sucks! have to wind up the window, leaving it with only some small gaps to allow the oxygen and carbon monocide blowing into the car and enjoying breath in all of them, without extra filter... ALL filtered by my lungs! Sweating inside the car. After about half an hour, reach St Joseph Orphanage Home, right beside the Cititel Hotel. Well, the rain had finally stopped. Parked my car at the yard near the church and walked towards the orphanage home. The building is a 2 levels buildings. Nothing special, but you can see kids running around. There are 2 computer rooms, 2 classrooms, 1 play room/ TV Room, 1 library, canteen, and girls and boys hostels. It can be say is quite well established orphanage home. I was introduced to Sister Margaret. She is quite nice but i must emphasized was... She was suffering from heavy flu... sneezing...throughout the whole interview and home visit! Well, i quickly get all the necessary details which I had prepared earlier and "run away"... What hitted me again was it started to rain again.. Tiny drops fell on my head.... and I was again packed myself in an Old Wira with no air-con and jamming back home.

Luckily when i reach home, the rain stop. It was time for my dad to show off while I was preparing myself to go for the 14th Bayan Baru Toastmaster Dinner and Humurous contest at Berjaya Hotel. Of course, I was not the participant, But in fact, I was being invited by the MC as a guest to enjoy their performance, while treating with course dinner and my friend;s Latin Dance Performance on the stage. Meeting those high level people, chattings...Started Feeling Cold even with long sleeves and long pant! Nothing much.. Go back home jam after that with a tiring body... Almost 12 midnight by the time reached home. Wanted to sleep, My Niece still hyperactive... the mom and the rest are busy with their own stuff and baby..Don't care already.. Go to sleep ..

The clock stroke at 1:30am...Time to BED !!! Finally we managed to pad my niece to sleep in my room as she was heavy flu with fever. We didn't want her to sleep in the same room as the baby. As usual, I put my mobile beside of my bed, in the dark, I grabbed something....Yeaks.. Ouuchhhh... What was biting my finger??????? I just had nothing to come out from my mouth but to cry in pain... My brother in law rushed into my room and switched on the light. OMG! A BEE ! I thought it was a beetle, as normally it would be beetle on the floor. I had just grab a BEE using my finger! Immediately i can see Redishness on my 3rd right hand finger. Well, Again.. Don't know how many times I had been going to the hospital this week! and now is going at midnight 1:30am! People are sleeping and visiting sweet dreams while I was visiting a stupid doctor! The temporary doctor once found out i was in flu and i have started light fever, sore throat, He is complaining why i didn't want to come visit the other morning cause they have the AH1N1 test. SUCKS. I came here main purpose was Stung by BEE and need immediate treatment, not FLU! and my finger was swelling, reddish, extremely pain! i complained and of course, get my hand treated but he didn't even look at my finger nor throat!. What a doctor which is in standby by midnight. Those temporary doctor.. I was only given a Clarinase for my FLU, and oil liquid for my finger and Strong Pain KIller - Celebrex 200mg!. Crazy ! Couldn't do much about it, went back home, rain again.. heavy rain.. Sleep in pain and the flu germs happily sleep with me too..

August 30 (Sunday)
In the next morning, fever without realizing.. just felt pain on finger and body aching... COLD... nose block, sorethroat... It was getting severe and severe.. Once got wind blowing or cold, my body pain and I had no energy... Feeling extremely weak & weak & weak.. Was originally plan to do my office reports and decks due to Monday was our National Day (Aug 31), but then I was totally out of control.... I keep feeding myself with panadols, i give to my own.. the doc didn't give me...then Aerius (tablet for sensitve throat/nose problem), Zyrtec, clarinase, vitamin C, Liverin, and all sorts of supplements.. Well, I manage to stand till the late evening. Of course, now i need to wear mask at home...to prevent the rest from being impacted.. Then I couldn't stand it anymore. Collapsed.. I rushed to the hospital again, meeting the other long term doctor for help. Getting weaker.. Laying myself at the waiting chair... Forgotten to mention.. I actually drove myself to see doctor, though i was so sick and feel dizzy... all of the family members were too busy till i had to say i could drive and i drove myself there, with half awake! Finally, this doc gave me a strong imported antibiotic - Zithromax, Diflamm lozenges, panadol, motilium. Spent Rm80+ this time. prescription for 3 days only and with warning if still no improvement, I had to come over and do blood test for further diagnosis!

Drove back and take those pills, feeling more dizzy and body ache and cold. Sleep. This time, no more bees. Turning right and left.. didn't know how many turnings I had that night...Sigh...

Aug 31 (MOnday)
My mom had pre set that today morning we had to pray for our ancestors at home. We chinese hokkien has a culture where in the chinese ghost month of July, we need to invite the passed away relatives/ancestors to come home and have some food, and have them bring back some Gold/money and listen to the prayers. So, again, I had to do my usually assigned tasks. Helping out to set up everything and make sure everything is fine while my mom went to the market and after that cook some dishes. Luckily I still can help out... But actually counting back what accidents I had been making in the morning... They are: I didn;t have energy to take 2 big door locks together and I fell one of them on my dad's fragile floor. Good for me, i didn't break the bricks on the floor. I spilt the soup when walking towards the table. NO energy again. . . I spilt the grapes on the floor as well, I spilt this and that... and I had to clean up quietly before my mom awared of my sickness so badly.. Couldn't let her know as she had been so busy and tiring as well... couldn't let her worried about me... Must be strong... At least, finished all the tasks for the prayings and it will be good rest for me after that!

After lunch...Cannot tahan d... and i didnt know actually my fever is still there. I didnt check.. More pain... but sweating a lot also.. seems like my body is fighting against the germs... the medicine is working their best.. my cells are trying their best.. but my mind is emptied minded.. like people in comma but eyes are wide opened. can't really sleep. just keep awake. decided to go to panel clinic to take MC for Tuesday. My 1st MC for this year.. i guess. Unfortunately, all panel closed due to public holiday. WTF! I can't take MC from hospital without panel clinic referral letter... and those panel clinic medicines are sucks. Couldn't really cure in speedy time. So I become my own doctor again.. keep taking those medicines and supplements. And my office works.. Who cares now.. Don't care already.. haven't started any thing yet.. Tried to online at night to retrieve the raw data file from company shared drive, When done, was already half asleep. Don't care, Couldn't awake.. Take the medicine and Go to Bed & Sleep! Had decided if worst case still come, will emergency admitted to shopital and MC... Another thing forgotten to mention, I suspected there's a bee hive somewhere... another bees was discovered flying and was dead on the floor...

Sept 1 (Tuesday)
I was blessed. Feelign better without fever now. But I could feel the dizziness on my head and hands and legs are still weak.. Even lift up my hand also couldn't longer. Tiring. Today will be my full day to WORK HARD till the THINGS ARE DONE before i collapsed. My boss said.. OMG, tomorrow meeting I might died if no deck to present in the meeting. Well, I was the business analyst for SA region and has no backup. What to do... Dragging Dragging Dragging.. Half emptied minded, half awake, Blank, then rest then work again. wearing the mask in the office for the whole day! All of them dare not talk to me as I told them i had fever, flu, sorethroat, body ache. Hhahah.. at least, no one dare to borther me with things.. hahhah...except those in MSN.. kkakakkakak... BY the time i finished and send everything, it was already office hour 5pm.
Yeah.. it's time to go home and have a good rest to revitalize myself with mom's cooking.. I only had one small piece of swiss roll as my lunch and dinner only have one vege dish with no rice. Breakfast? Milo only. Good for me to keep fit.. Sick is good aslo.. hahha

Sept 2 (Wednesday)
Not so dizzy now. Finished all my antibiotics and medicine. but still has some side effects, still weak, body not recovered yet. but at least can type faster d... mind is more functioning and can even quarell and fights with mouth..and hands.. hahha But in certain time where wind blows, still a bit aching and not comfortable.. Throat is very very very dry. Keeps drinking lots of water to prevent coughing due to dryness. Try not to talk.. and only in low soft voice... Was originally plan to complete my work but have been long time didn't update my blog... so my hand is a bit itchy.. 12:32 midnight now.. MY mom they all laugh at me.. sick people don't want to sleep but sitting there writing silly nonsence diary blog which only those boring people will do! Hhaha.. all I ignore lah.. tomorow only i will start working.

What a long nonsence I have been sneezing.. 废话一箩箩。。。自己看的日记嘛,当然啰说。你要嘛就看,不要嘛就别看好了。。。干别人什么事? 嘻嘻。

OK. Goodnite! Sweet Dreams and enjoy my long holiday till next monday.. OOpss.. have to complete my work tomorrow night.. no more delay or else what happen again over the weekend... Oh God, Bless me with your love and strength.. Thanks!

Sweet Sneezes from SunSun*

PS: I discovered a lot of wrong grammars and spellings... Arghh.. Lazy to correct... Do you mind?

Sunday, August 23, 2009


詞 : 鄔大為、魏寶貴 曲 : 鐵源

啊! 故鄉!生我養我的地方
有我迷人的故鄉 桃園蕩漾著孩子們的笑聲
啊! 故鄉!終生難忘的地方
啊! 故鄉!終生難忘的地方 ...

Feel Like ...

It's hard for Penang to get 23 celsius unless it is a rainny day. For those of you that are reading my blog, my location, my hometown, the place I am staying now has started to change into rainny season. Yeah.. Penang is now keeps raining.. In the chinese calendar of GHOST month. Currently it is the 4th day of Ghost month. Well, People always say emotions are just like weather. It is indeed following the weather, changing, & keep on changing... :-D

Listening to music and songs... Was supposed to complete my analysis on reports and decks. But what a day. Mind is flashing & wondering. Start day dreamings. Imagine, Imagine, Imagine. Body feels like wandering. Hhaha.. I am just the type that likes to dream nonsence. You might be surprised, Why my picture is not a rainny day? :-D I dreamt of sunny blue sky on top of my head! Feel like want to....

Hmm.. Yeah... Do you like this blue blue sky? White clouds with all kinds of shapes, Scenery blue with matching green tone on the ground. This is the harmonic color. Comfortable, and warmth. Feel like want to ride a bicycle, wandering around the mountain, enjoying the cool fresh air. Polishing my eyes with green liquids. Giving my heart to the lovely green natures. Soothing, Relaxing, Replenishing, Revitalizing... Marvelous, Wonderful! HOw nice it is if I am in Cameron highlands now. Going to those places that are non polluted / developed in cameron highlands. Out from the areas of normal visitors spots. Enjoying. and most of all, my favourite: Tasting a full green bowl of fresh vege charcoal steamboat! Hmm.. When will i be going there again? and of course, tracking the history of JIm Thompson, walking round to have some scornes and tea with raw vege as meal. What a lovely day it will be!

Having this temperature, this rainny day, I have also feel like wanting to find a lovely sofa corner for me to lean on, and getting myself a wonderful fragrance hot latte / chocolate drink, and what? of course, throw myself into my favousite book! Best if i can get a big, well organized library here in Penang.. But till now, Penang still do not have a good library yet. With other developments in Penang, but not in encouraging the citizens hereto have a good reading culture. What a waste... Bookstores and go online purchasing are the best to grab yourself a book with $$$. No $$$, No Talk.

Well, Feel like doing this, doing that, Just do it??? Meow... No... acting needs some strength.. I have no strength nor energy.. nor $$$. Feel like keep on watching movies for a whole day; Feel like Cooking some nice western dinner; Feel like going back for Latin dancing to dance out and release myself; Feel like.. Whatelse huh? Hmm.. don't know.. Do you feel like what you want to do now? Grrhh... Working.. BACK TO REALITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You Still have works haven't completed and you have to be send ut to your boss by tomorrow EOB! What a weekend in a rainny season! Tell me what do you feel like wanting to do now? ;P
From a DULL sun.
in a rainny weekend.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Awaiting Aug 25, 2009 ...

Wonderful, There will be a new family member joining our family on Aug 25, 2009 !!!
Hooray.. Counting down the moments... 6 days from now... :D
Will be taking leave on next Tuesday and Friday to help out a bit to take care of the small niece, who will become eldest sister next week. :D
Yippie. I love you !

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A GARFIELD Save My World Today !

A GARFIELD Save My World Today !

What could be better if a Sun shines again? A Sun should be showering with warmth and happiness! Without any lights and burning, it is not called a SUN anymore. Without any sunshines, it will be all Rainny days, Snowy days!. Cold and freezing. It will be a man with no heart.

Well, as a SUN, of course i have to praise myself.. the power of SUN
The Story begins..
I was very frustrated and angry and irritated! Lost my EQ and control! Lost myself. Don't know where am I. Being attacked by Insomnia for about a week is indeed very suffering. Full of HATEs, ANGERS. Sleeping late but woke up early or half consciously in the middle of the night! Feeling LOST. Cant help myself. Just tired but emotionally SAD. Too tired of couting stars, counting sheeps, counting dogs bark. They just couldn't help. Old people sayings are bluffing!

Thanks to the Garfield... We have long time didn't keep in touch.. Luckily and suddenly pop up from IM and save my gloomy lost world. the Nonsence chat and "Edward Cullen" fantasy have finally lit up my lights in the heart. Though still a busy working day on MONDAY.

The funny part of this GARFIELD is the garfield is now arranged to be seated with its owner in a small cubicle. The owner keeps trying to be friendly but also keeps on mumbling to the garfield on her own stories. Just imagine, a wooden stick trying to make a joke so that everybody laugh at it. What more could be most killing facing this kind of people. Therefore, The Garfiled could not stand anymore start grumbling... So the cute garfield has chosen me to release its tension and boringness. Having nonsence chat make us find back our energy to survive on this MONDAY BLUE.



Monday, August 10, 2009


摘自: 新浪网 http://tinyurl.com/m4ynwb
//news.sina.com 2009年06月29日 20:42 北京新浪网


*** 女人该有葱花味还是香水味?你做了选择吗? 欢迎写上你的意见。。。

Saturday, August 8, 2009

我看见了七彩缤纷的颜色 。。。

“生命是如此的可爱 , 既是是痛苦,能活着,去感觉,都是多么值得感恩的事。当一切都是失去时,就像把自己都给埋葬了。”

当你失去时,那心碎的感觉,与心脏开始停顿的刹那, 触动着你的神经线。把你整个人的灵魂都吸掉了。顿时,也觉得体内流的血也在瞬间被抽吸干了。。。没了。望不见,听不见,摸不到。。泪也干了。浑然一个行尸走肉,伫立在繁忙的钢骨森林。渺小,非常渺小。被挤压在人群中。头顶着石头,停留在原地。不愿行走,只是呆站。停止。不动。







Friday, August 7, 2009

感到万分悲哀,弥留在即,才拥有亲人的扶持。已是太迟了。一路以来,都是茫茫的度过。妹妹的离去,只剩她一个人孤单的守住这个家。眼疾,糖尿, 精神病,血压高,胆固醇,子宫癌,,, 太多了。以前的长期吃药, 健康餐, 到现在的油腻食物,没有得去看医生。 渐渐的习惯了独处。悲哀。基于某些因数和立场,我们一家实在是不方便再像以前一样的在她家进出自如。再也不能每日帮她换药送食物。可悲。对不起。。。万二分的对不起。看在眼里,看在心里,痛。 我帮不到你。。。暹籍和尚的念经加持,是帮助她早点脱离苦难吗?她能过得了今晚吗?阿弥陀佛。舍不得。。。

随着一朵白荷花的凋谢, 你跟着, 终于也走了。。。

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Headache... is killing me today

What a day... Today My motherboard died at 11:45am in the office. Rushing , running up and down, walking speedingly to look for a spare system to lend me. What a day. Tiring. Walking here and there. Finally met my exboss, got a system D630. Trying to install the driver and swap my hard disk from current D620 into the D630. Wah lau.. Waited for hours, drivers not able to detect. Rushing out from the helpdesk cave again to look for a spare system. Finally found another D630. BUt the senior tech support ppl said it is impossible to swap the hard disk due to company policy , there's a setting being set has blocked that. Well, what can i do?? already 1/3 days passed. Clock is striking at 2:00 pm ++ now. Don't care, went to the helpdesk again and ask for help. Try to install the drivers again. Pumping in the drivers, re run, re fresh. Finally, manage to make the system run properly at 3:50pm. One more hour left before my working day ended. This is not the only unlucky thing.

I keep on knocking my hand, leg on something hard. Like chair, cupboard, drawer, wall... GOsh.. What a bad day for me..

Not only this, I am also having damn headache today.. Swallowing all the possible solution medicines, still pain.. Sad & pain.. heart brokem.. GOd, pls. help me.. and while grumbling, I am not only not yet going to sleep / rest earlier tonight, but I am now online blogging. What a crazy person I am.. Blogging with junk words and sentence. Brain don't want to function.... Just keeps on writing, no grammar checking.. just write whichever flows in.. .. That's what people call My Very Own Diary.. Otherwise, you can call it as essay writing for teacher to marks with Stars or A's.

Well, Goodnight.. I finally want to shut down.. It's is 11:55pm now.. Konbanwa & Oyasuminasai everyone.


Love ...

It happen to be a coincidence that I read my friend's post in the facebook. I feel that I would be sorry if I did not share it out or write in down in my own blog. I really love the quote by Chiranai ka. Here's how it goes.

"Love is the strength that gives u life. When u receive Love u lose fear and you can give the best in you. The practical form of Love is respect. Respect means acceptance of the fact that we are all different and unique and at the same time, we all have something important and valuable to share. Open your heart and be generous, free yourself from that sorrow, forgive and forget and you will live every moment in peace..."

It is simple but direct. It strikes me and it is the most common practical guidance which we keep on learning from people. It might be hard to follow and take actions. But once you have started to practice it, you will soon find yourself changed in various ways, and live a happy life. Tolerant is important to give way to others. We might be good at times, but there are also times where we are inneed of people, including those you hate the most. Forgiveness leads you to a broader way.

The quotes makes me wonder and wonder. How strong is a LOVE is? What happen if sometimes we have difference perceptions? Will we quarrel? Will we fight? Yeah.. We quarrel most of the days. Hahha.. So..? Does it mean anything? For sure it will not be happy fighting with your loved one. What shall we do? What is the correct thing to do? Saying Apology!

Communication between you and your loved one is important. Why do most of the time we have misunderstanding and quarrel? It shows that we do not have enough of open communications shared out among our loved one. Telling the truth save a thousand explanations. It makes our relationship stronger by telling the truth and give great understanding on how are we going to provide good support to them.

Apology is important. Love is to listen and understand among each other. You compromise and willing to give out infinite supports to your partner, giving strength and advice to show your tremendous love, Even in the most hardest and toughest time. Apearance is only for those puppy love or love at 1st sight. While the most important is to listen and feel the inner heart. Feel it and you will find your true love. Hands in Hands together we walk along the long life path. Never be fear to say SORRY and I LOVE YOU. Remember to say it heartedly in slow, firm voice. I am sure it will melt out thousand hearts.

Have you apologized to your loved one and tell them how much you have Loved them?
Say it before it is too late. Don't let the time and faded good memories get over you. Though for your enemy, say it also that you had felt sorry on what you have done. It doesn't meant to be you two must get together after that, but it makes you feel better rather than keeping in your heart.

Everyone of us have been working days and nights, busy about works, busy about personal things, busy about all the MUST DO things in daily life. Frustration is something which we will get by the most awkward and awful end of the day. This will mostly be the firelines to lit up the explosions among the couples. Well, here's a little suggestion which may help to cool down the temperature a bit. Again, communication is very important. Spend a little time with your loved one, perhaps before the dinner, after the dinner, or even before bed time, talk out how do you feel in your whole damn working day. Good one, Bad one... Let them talk till he has nothing to talk while you must listen, Then, tell your stories. Of course, you can give some advices, but remember, advices must only come in when they have finished grumbling. I used grumbling because most of the time, it will be those badly treated experiences, good one? of ocurse we laugh together. Hahah. The result is to give a chance to your loved one on what you are doing, how you feel, let them understand you better and this actually lead to great improvements in gaining long term relationship. Sharing is the most important in the relationship.

Well, I am sure you have read quite a lengthy grandmother sneezes in a little girl very own diary blog. Oh Well, Again, let me know your thoughts... we shall learn together in trusting and loving those you loved.

Don't pin point me too much. I am just a little girl who has not be in loved...., but have seen love as a 3rd party. What can you say? I might be absolutely wrong... Haha

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's in the Rain - in the Blue Cold Rainy Wednesday

Listening to Enya - It's in the Rain... Feeling blue and blue in the rainy Wednesday.


Every time
the rain comes down,
close my eyes and listen.
I can hear the lonesome sound
of the sky as it cries...

Listen to the rain
Here it comes again
Hear it in the rain

Feel the touch
of tears that fall
-they won't fall forever
In the way the day will flow
all things come,
all things go.

Listen to the rain
...the rain...
Here it comes again...
Hear it in the rain
... the rain...

Late at night
I drift away -
I can hear you calling,
and my name
is in the rain,
leaves on trees whispering,
deep blue sea's mysteries.

Even when
this moment ends,
can't let go this feeling.
will come again
in the sound,
falling down,
of the sky as it cries.
Hear my name in the rain.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

长江之歌 - 心情写集

不知道怎么,脑海里突然闪过这一首歌。 这是一首很久以前唱过的一首歌,歌词与曲风都澎湃激昂。它歌颂祖国的江河,即使你并没有亲身看过江河,听了这一首歌,也能让你为之一震。好美妙的一首歌。 它让你抒发情感,唱出了心中的不满。发泄你的心情。 请听 - 长江之歌 。。。


你从雪山走来, 春潮是你的丰采;
你向东海奔去, 惊涛是你的气概;
你用甘甜的乳汁, 哺育各族儿女;
你用健美的臂膀, 挽起高山大海;
我们赞美长江, 你是无穷的源泉;
我们依恋长江, 你有母亲的情怀。

你从远古走来, 巨浪荡涤着尘埃;
你向未来奔去, 涛声回荡在天外;
你用纯洁的清流, 灌溉花的国土;
你用磅礴的力量, 推动新的时代;
我们赞美长江, 你是无穷的源泉;
我们依恋长江, 你有母亲的情怀。

for more details on the river, pls. refer to: http://www.kepu.gov.cn/kply/cj/y3.htm


Sunday, August 2, 2009


好的机遇与机缘,并不是每个人都会碰到。它就像流星雨,试问有多少人在屋檐下抬起头就会偶遇呢?当它划过夜空的刹那,你又是否把握时机,尝试留下它的美丽?譬如说:赶快用相机拍下来,或赶快许愿等等。。。当人们都说福利局将分派福利金于贫穷人家时,你又是否试着去争取和确定你就是福利名单上的受益家户?记着,倘若你肚子饿了,天上是不会有饭掉下来。如果你是身心健康的人,那将不会有人主动喂你吃饭。机遇与机缘,遇上了就要好好把握和争取。直到你尝试过了,失败了,那才叫珍惜过。如果任凭它流失,那么尽管本来该是属于你的,如果你不去珍惜,当它遇上了懂得珍惜它的人时,属于你的机遇与机缘,也将变成是他人的。虽然人们总是说, 命中注定,可是它究竟占了几巴仙呢?努力又占了几巴仙?我们活在世上,不是无时无刻都在为自己争取更好的选择与道路吗?做人不是坐着或站在原地兜兜转转,痴痴的等待,而是力求最好的,就要自己去争取,那才叫把握。珍惜每一分每一秒,然后告诉自己,你领悟了什么,做过了什么,争取过什么,抓住幸福了吗?

Friday, July 31, 2009

听了 <<无量易经>> 之 感言

我们平时看的,听的,感觉的,触摸的。。。是否有真正的用心去体会? 知道了,瞭解了,是否又用心的去实行? 把握当下吗?当失去时,还值得去回顾吗? 回顾是自然的,让我们从过去中学习,学着像小时候跌倒了就勇敢的爬起来。不管是甜的,酸的,辣的,苦的,让我们能有一个属于自己的回忆。宇宙无涯, 天大地大。我们人生数短,一眨眼已时光飞逝。错过了一次,或许它正告诉你,那是不适合你的,也不属于你的。它只不过是个过客。往事回顾,只不过过眼云烟,是一个点缀品,在白纸上,绘了一点颜色。 汝那一笔色彩,擦亮了一点火花。点缀了生命中那一圈圈的涟漪。。。回响。。。于此同时,当上天给于我们新的机会,新的开始,我们又该如何去面对呢?回头望一望,嗯。。。整顿心情,让我们抬起脚,大步的,自信的,向前方迈步。那就是把握当下,去追寻自己的梦想,去掌握自己的幸福。错过了,就别再懊恼。甩开扰人的悲伤与过去的痛苦。静静的,聆听,恰是新生命的歌唱,新芽的崛起。你看到了吗?灰暗的世界里,渐渐的发放了缤纷的色彩。一点一滴,慢慢的,细腻的,正描绘着你人生中新的一业。一笔一划,象征着希望。如是一位画家,展开了一张扉白的画纸,手里执着画笔,一笔一笔的填上色彩。当彩画不如理想时,就试着用较深的颜料,把较浅色的都盖过去了,彩绘出新的艺术作品。再不然,就顺手撕了这一张,再为新的一张画纸,艳染了新的彩绘。 道理很简单。我们生活里不如意时,就尝试用尽各种方法去补救,为求一切如愿。失败了,颓废过了,振作起来,再往前冲,为了找到一个属于自己的新天地,一切皆归我所有,能让我安息的温暖窝。那里有阳光普照,温暖心扉。微风习习, 我敞开心扉。深深的,我吸一口气。。。那是初生婴儿划破妈妈子宫吸允的第一口气。香甜的,一切都将是美好的。好好握住你的人生。抓着那你还没体会的幸福,别让它失去。。。机会偶然,我们不会永远都遇见。抓住了,要记得告诉我,你幸福吗? 。。。

Thursday, July 30, 2009

摘自 王思熙 -- 无量易经 - {序曲}

宇宙无涯 生死刹那 新新生灭 无需惊讶
万古长空 是真是假 蜗角虚名 人生何价
仔细观想 静心思量 漂泊的生命 幻无常
今日的海角 明日天涯

不论天上天下 不管心辰微沙
不论寒冬炎夏 不管绿叶红花
不论昔日东升 不管落日晚霞
不论潮汐涨落 不管万物变化
仔细观想 静心思量 漂泊的生命 幻无常
今日海角 明日天涯 宇宙无涯 生死刹那
新新生灭 无需惊讶

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Boring ...

Quarter end has finshed.. whether or not the SA goal is meet or not meet, it is beyond my control. and the management has done their best. My sales team has goen for their team building. Therefore, I am quite free after lunch time.
Trying to find someone to chit chat. There's always one who is very unlucky. and he is Tham chiak. Tham chiak has been disturbed by me again and again. hahahha.. we are so call SUN family. hahha have common names. Talking about common name, My ex-admirer or so call 我的追求者, his name was also ended with SAN. and he has this common birth month with this Tham Chiak - LEO. but their height is totally different. One is very tall, and one is... ;P birth date is also about one week difference only. both of them are very 有缘。
Well, really got nothing to do now.. feeling of laziness in my body. Start writing nonsence in my very own diary blog. A very secretive, whereby i did not even share it to anyone. For those who have accidentally found this blog, you are welcome to leave your comments to me in my daily nonsence story or grumbles. But i wonder will there be anyone who will find my blog? Pls. don't sabotage me. i hate people sabotage my blog or account. GrrRGrrr.... The rest are welcome. :D

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 30, August 8 ...

These are dates.. Special memorable dates. and they are in the month of LEO, though one is in July and one is in August. But they are also a past tense for me. 2 different LEOs. No more special celebrations. No more meaningful in the future. Still, i remembered, and I will remember them till the rest of my life. How are you? May you be blessed in every kind. Keep In Touch and Be Friends forever. Like you have always telling me, "Take Care ! ". Like i always says to you: "Keep In Touch".


很多时候,我都不明白,为什么已经名草有主的待我都特别的照顾,像对小妹妹似的,爱护有加。那真是令人难受啊。喜欢你又不是,保持距离你又自己攀过来。。。 真是令人费解。唉,谁叫我生得这一种命呢? 算了吧。别想了。

Thursday, July 23, 2009

最近还好吗 - S.H.E

挑一张耶诞卡写上满满祝福的话 地址写的是心底你能不能收到它
天有点冷风有点大城市宁静而喧哗 这一个冬天我得一个人走回家
问自己习惯了吗 没有你每到夜里回声变得好大
有没有什么好方法 让寂寞更听话 你最近还好吗是不是也在思念里挣扎
你说会记得我还记得吗 你最近还好吗忙碌吗 累吗 心还会痛吗
比陌生人还尴尬昨天远了明天还长 回忆模糊

Tuesday, July 21, 2009







D E L E T E ...

很想快一些将不应属于自己的东西与记忆, 痛痛快快的删除。 七月二十二日,上午。。。距离自己删除的期限大约还有一个月。而蛹变的过程也只剩大约两个月就将宣告结束。期待着新的开始,心灵能被安抚吗?

Monday, July 20, 2009


不知道怎么的。。。 总是觉得一切感情都很灰暗, 一切总是没有色彩。黯然。空寂。无止境的等待。累了,想放弃。腾在半空中的手,累了,疲乏不堪。只想躺下,瞭望天空,蓝色白云,化幻成千万个图案,任你去追寻, 追寻那像是抓不到的梦。。。

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Water = H2O

Drinking water.. helps maintain your beauty. I previously only drink about 0.5 litre of plain water per day.. And if my mom is cooking any soup, then the most i would drink will be 1 litre of water per day.
Based on the calculation using body weight and some kind of formula, I need to drink approximately 2.2 to 2.3 litre of water per day.. That is killing me.. And to slim down and detoxify your body, I have to practise drinking more and more water each day. OMG.
So.. now i try to boil some chinese herb soup without putting any meat, but the ingredients used provide some natural sweetness that helps boost up my "appettite" to feed in more water per day. I wonder whether there will be any improvements on my skin and body weight??
Well, we shall see later whether it brings any results or not. :D

When you met a Japanese guy...

What A failure I am... Learning Japanese but when i met a Japanese and he was talking to me.. I stunt.. Mind is all blank and just know to keep nodding my head, bowing and smile. Hmm.. That Japanese is quite man... The style that i like.. hahhahaha.. ;P..

Friday, July 10, 2009

稻香。。。詞:週傑倫 曲:週傑倫

我总是最爱听周杰伦的稻香。轻快愉悦的旋律,听着听着,就像随着音符旋转跳跃美丽的原野中。那份洋溢着幸福的感觉,充满着满满的爱。鸟儿嘹亮的歌鸣,蟋蟀吱吱的歌唱,像是在迎接着美好的晨曦。缤纷灿烂的阳光,正照耀着旷大的田园,我伫立在原野上,静静的,慢慢的,深深的,呼吸着充满稻香的气息。。。幻想着充满希望的 - 未来 。。。让我们一起聆听 - 稻香


對這個世界如果你有太多的抱怨 跌倒了就不敢繼續往前走 為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落請你打開電視看看多少人為生命在努力勇敢的走下去 我們是不是該知足珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭 讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了為自己的人生鮮豔上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的讓自己快樂快樂 這才叫做意義童年的紙飛機 現在終于飛回我手裡所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了 偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢 我靠著稻草人吹著風唱著歌睡著了哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑微微笑 小時候的夢我知道不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠回家吧 回到最初的美好

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Feel Sick, and is sick..
Early symptoms of heavy flu coming... A bit fever on and off, a bit nose block, + new pillow that is making me backache and neckache. What a week will be..
Tnight still need to go for team dinner at Indian Food restaurant.. OMG.
Gotta drink more herbal tea and take more panadols...

Monday, July 6, 2009

SLEEPY... ZZzzzZzzzZzzzZZZzzz...

Can't figure out why i feel so sleepy today.. need to be self discipline... Must not drink coffee......
Trying to look for anyone who can chat online...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Silence...and The Broken Sound

The emptiness in the heart... The unforeseen future and result. What will be the outcome. What is the faith I will be holding. These have brought endless pain in the bottom of my heart...

Changes is the only thing i can do for myself. Various of changes. Some are easy, but some are difficult.. The only thing i have started is to change my appearance.. hahaha.. not doing any cosmetic surgery.. but no longer eating up too much while stress. hhaha..

Mind is wondering.. falling into the world of fantasy... Trying to figure out what I have been doing lately but they are all emptied minded. I am stucked in the restless world. Who can help me..

Just imagine, I am laying on the comfortable lush of green green grass, and surrounded by bushes of beautiful & unknown colorful flowers. My mind is peaceful. With the fragrance around me. Happily cheerish me...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I Have been hurt a thousand times by those who borned in the month of LEO. Having love affair with long distance Mr LEO has strike me with thousand arrows and holes in my heart. The 2nd one makes me want to run away with it as far as possible. They were making me more depressed with its long distance, and when getting close together is somehow like faith where all relationships will not get successful. I have tried the best efforts i have to make it understand my support, but seems like love is not by trying hard but is to feel it in a natural way by both parties. May be I really need to release myself from this suffer. I shall wait for a little while before i thoroughly delete all the LEO in my memory and hard disk.

The more you are trying to get it the more you will get disappointed. It could be my past life that i have all those complicated crush into those MR LEO. Not that i purposely choose them, but all that I have met and fights around I soon discovered that they are all from the month of LEO.

Why.. Why it has to be LEO? Did I owe all of them some passion? I really hate them but I also loved them so much. Why......

PS: Well, I have decided to delete all of them in August. One more month to keep the memory...

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shit - July 1

What a day!
Can't believe I actually have a friend who can keep on having his most of the conversation appearing the "SHIT" word. It is like word construction (华语字词造句). How nice it is if the SHIT word replaced by some delightful words... haha

My Little Diary is Borned!

Today is a happy Day!
Little Diary is Borned ! Finally I have decided to make up my own blog!
Stay Tuned! ... :D